Anyway, back to the main subject. So, I did a personality test and found it pretty interesting and true at certain parts. It turned out to be I'm a Social Realist. The description given was quite long so I cropped off which ever not applicable to me. The final result is.. oh, before that, no, I'm not trying to boast about my good values. I can't help it if what was given were all positive, right? XD
:: popular persons full of energy (yes, I'm an active and determined.. at times XD)
:: reliable, well organized and helpful
:: marked social streak
:: always ready to listen to the worries and problems of others and spare no effort when they are asked for help (friends help, you know?)
:: empathy and understanding (especially when it comes to the mind and environment. Yes, I am very environmental.)
:: always willing to highly regard the strong points of the other person and to excuse that person’s weaknesses (well, everyone has their weakness, right? We're not god.)
:: most sociable of all personality type (is this just a polite way of saying I'm talkative?)
:: very difficult to cope with conflicts and criticism - harmony is their elixir of life (how could people not like harmony?)
:: acknowledgment and esteem are very important to this type (wakakakaka!! but I'm not saying it's not true XD)
:: at work and in partnerships, they are loyal, committed and always there when needed
:: find it easy to make friends due to their open, warm manner
:: show their feelings openly and honestly (well, if you don't show your feeling honestly, who's going to understand you?)
:: prefer clear, structured surroundings and work processes; they find too much change unrest unpleasant
:: open-minded towards anything new only to a limited extent (open-mindedness is the key to happiness :D)
In short, I am..
extroverted, practical, sentimental..
..planning, emotional, temperamental, energetic, tradition-conscious, loyal, helpful, devoted, reliable, caring, objective, thorough, organized, warm-hearted, open, friendly, sociable, chummy, obliging, self-sacrificing, public-spirited, sensitive, kind, demanding.
And finally, the subjects I might be interested in.. This part is so true. I'm really into everything below :D
honorary work, hiking, parties..
going out..
"Let the music heal your soul.
Let the music take control.
Let the music give you the power to move any mountain."
Let the music take control.
Let the music give you the power to move any mountain."
(Bravo All Stars, Let the Music Heal Your Soul.)
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