Monday, June 23, 2008

I Love Caffeine

I started having somewhat strong liking towards caffeine since Form 5. I used to wonder, "Eww.. How come adults like coffee so much?" I guess I know why now. It's a little addictive but I'm not addicted to it and my favourite caffeine is tea! Teh Tarik~

So, anyway, there was once where a 'Speed Typing Test' was really famous bloggers but I discovered a new test! It's to see how high on caffeine you are by clicking (though it's not really related). Anyway, I did the test and here's my result.

The Caffeine Click Test - How Caffeinated Are You?
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

200 clicks in 30 seconds? Man, that suck! I expected it to be higher since well, *ahem* I always click on my mouse like crazy when a page is stuck (as if it would help). Anyhow, try it! It's fun!


xianfu said...

lol. interesting test. haha

dun we all addicted to Starbucks?

Anonymous said...

Wow Eliza, nowhere near you. My score is 80 times.

Your caffeine level for today is:
Moderate - Chipper & Perky


xianfu said...


I demand an update.

haha. Ur reader(ME OBVIOUSLY) is going on strike.


heard ur not comin for Bon Odori..