No, I'm not getting married... Yet.
No, I'm not changing my gender.
No, I'm not becoming a Muslim.
No, I'm not quitting university.
On the 20th of February 2009, Eliza Loo made her final decision to rebond her hair. Okay, so you might think, "Sheesh. What's the big idea anyway?" Well, let me tell you. All these while, I never agreed with the idea of having my hair straightened. I think my hair is fine the way it is, though sometimes I get mad at it when it's bushy or out of place. My hair is already straight naturally but somehow it got wavy when I have it layered =.=
How did the idea of rebonding my hair came up? As simple as..
Wei Cheat : Eliza, go rebond your hair la.. *plays with my hair*
Malcolm : Yea la.. Go la.
Just like that. I mean, I don't know how come just 2 simple sentences like that made me change my mind. Perhaps it's because I've always wanted a better hair style but I never actually talk about it. Perhaps because I know my mom will never allow me to do so. Or perhaps.. whatever reason there are.
So, on the 20th morning till noon, till right before I have my hair rebonded, I was still pondering if I should really really rebond my hair. I asked for opinions from a lot of people. A lot. Lol.
But I did anyway. It took about 4 hours for the whole process of transforming my hair from wavy to straight.
Before.... (please excuse my dirty mirror ^^;)
Yes, I realized my face looked smaller, longer and darker. I don't know how it made my face darker but it did. Honestly, right after the rebonding, I looked like a cracked egg!
I have to say I like it but the fringe is a little too flat. Hopefully after few washes, it'll be better. Comments anyone? XD
freakin LALA...!!! DAMN Ah LIAN..!!! NO Taste...!!! is it Kampar most happening style???
tats my comment.
eugene + xianfu : T_T so bad meh? *sob* *considering to perm it then. LOL*
ummm. lets say, everyone has their bad hair day.
weii..u look sooo cuteeeeeeeee
wakaka.. nt bad ma.. tsk.. i should go campus tat day c hw malz n wei cheat ask u go for str8ten ur hair while plyin ur hair haha.. ya ur face look smaller n longer nw XD
miss's ur hair now?
hehe. Jun said u lost weight till kinda scary =___=
ps: telekom haven't fix my connection T_____T
Hey, eliza, u look cun leh with this new hair in real...XD
hmmmm... u really look like a cracked egg in the pic tat u mms me tat day.. but after the 1st wash.. i think its nice loh... n u look like ur a 19 years old gal now d la.. not std 3.. wakakaka... ur hair damn long wei... aku JEALOUS~~~ when oni my hair will be tat long la... haih~~~
xianfu : the fact that it's a negative comment remains *sigh*
fupeiz : hehe.. thank you *blush* honestly, when i have a quick galnce at myself in the mirror, i thought i looked like u XD
gingercola : Lol! u weren't there meh? but seriously, they didn't convince me much. they just say and i was convinced =.="
ahwei : my hair now ah.. i think not tht penyek anymore. when i come back u see la. wakakaka! i lost weight? not really wor..
eric : :D :D Thanks!!! so malu. wakaka!!
elishia : yea lo.. i din know my hair so long wan =.= cracked egg? i tot rock lee? wakakaka!!
haih.. youngster nowadays....even daddy was laughin the other day... straight hair is just not ur style la...
eugene : yea.. i know. elishia told me about daddy laughing =.= how could he? *sob* wakakaka!! now i know not my style lo. belum cuba belum tahu ma..
looked like me?
in a gud or bad way??sobz sobzz.. :(
fupeiz : not good or bad la.. it's just tht i still wasn't used to the new look. so i thought i saw u in me. wakakkaka! maybe it's more to being a good thing? xD
Hi there! first time visiting ur blog.. ^^ ooo ya.. im wanchying btw ... ^^
hey, you no more look like a camel.. you look better now. like a HORSE!! all the description fits... long face, long eye lashes, straight hair, but wait you dont have long leng and body... that make you a donkey! hahahha
i tell you what.. this is how bad your hair is. remember what the comentator say about tevez? if you wear united jersey out, people will either think u r tevez or worse than tevez... tevez might even get nightmare when he see you
aiya..the longer u c the better it worries!
cheery : hello~~! welcome to my blog. have a nice stay. lol! :D
edwin : so i'm a donkey-like tevez? =.= dun worry.. by the time u come back, it'll be back to normal XD
gbsk : u see me every day. no wonder =.=
Ya lah maybe what gbsk said is right. The longer u see the better it gets. Anyway your hair will revert back to your usual style in no times.
Anonymous : Thank you!! i hope it does (",)
I am the one.
hi.. i juz came into ur blog.. wanted to ask where u straighten ur hair? in kampar? how much?
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