1. I'm a fashion conscious person.
In deed, I'm into fashion but most of the time, I do not really follow the current trend. Reasons are:
~ I'm afraid of becoming overdress or become lala-ish
~ I'm afraid of criticisms
~ I care for how people might react to my changes
~ My mom would usually say, "Too mature on you." or "Don't suit you."
~ I'm really indecisive. So sometimes when I feel a particular clothe looked good on me but someone else said no, I wouldn't buy that piece.
In the end, I just stick to jeans and t-shirt. Simple and nice, as my mom always say but sometimes, people (especially me) will grow bored of it, no?
2. I'm very environmental.
People say there are only 2 groups of people. They are either into technology or environment. The irony is, I'm into both. I love technology, at the same time, I care for the environment. I can't bare to see the nature being destroyed. Yes, I know I might sound like some activist fighting for the right of his people but this is the truth. I hate to see destruction be it towards plants or animal but I know there's nothing I can do to help. I can't act alone and I don't have the time to join groups. So, all I can do to at least help is to recycle, minimize the use of our natural resources, minimize the usage of plastics and do no litter around. I hope everyone who reads this could at least perform this little act to help. Little actions like this do make a difference.
3. I like androgynous guys.
I'm 18, I haven't dated anyone before and I don't plan to date anyone anytime soon. But sometimes, I would like to think how my parents will react when I date someone 'unusual'. My type of guy would be someone fashionable, knowledgeable, smart, tall, specky etc. etc. One obvious characteristic, if you know me well enough, is i like androgynous guys. On the wall of my room, there are several pictures of my Japanese idols. There was once my dad looked at the picture, he pointed at that picture and asked me, "This one girl ah?" and I replied, "No la.. Guy.". My dad, kind of shocked and said, "Pondan ah?!" LOL! Guat Shan loves that scene. That's why at times, I would tend to imagine if i date guys who are androgynous, or gangster-like or maybe from other ethnic groups, how would my family react?
4. Forgive and Forget.
Some people forgive but don't forget. Some forget but don't forgive. You see, if you keep grudges, you won't be happy. What's the point of remembering something bad someone did to you? I mean, if you keep those bad memory in mind, and every time you recall them, you won't be happy. Even if you recall them, what can you do? Hate them? So what if you hate them? You're suffering (as in mood wise) not them. So, why not just forgive, if they apologize, that is, and just forget? Life would be so much easier that way. But of course, there'll always be times when people do no apologize. So, if they don't, just forget about it. There's no use arguing over who is right and who is wrong. When someone makes me angry, I would be angry or sometimes, even mad at that particular time. But after that, I just forget about it. Harmony is important :)
5. Numbers.
I'm weak in Mathematics and I do not really like numbers but I love money! Money is almost everything. Almost. Yes, I know, money can't buy love, money can't buy happiness, money can't buy health. Think about this: Without money, you won't be able to live a comfortable life with your wants and needs. Will be happy that way? Without money, you won't be able to buy healthy food or see a doctor. Viruses strike everyone no matter how hygienic you are. Will be stay healthy that way? When you're poor, you'll tend to work harder and spend more time to earn some extra money for your family. You'll then spend lesser time with your love ones. Where does love come from then? I'm not saying that with money, you can find happiness and of sort. There some really rich people but fail to find those in life. But I'm a realist. If you tell me money is not at all important, I'll think there's something wrong in your head. Hahaha..
6. I get bored easily.
According to Guat Shan, a Gemini gets bored easily. That's one thing I must agree on. I don't know if it's applicable to all Geminis' but it is so applicable on me. I might be interested in one thing but the next moment, I'm already no where to be seen with that one that I was previously interested on. Maybe that's the reason why I'm into various sports and activities. I want to try something new, something that attract me. Back when I was in school, I was an athlete. I play basketball, volleyball, netball, hockey, badminton. I'm a runner and a jumper. I'm in university now and at times, my friends would invite me to play football with them. But the clubs and societies I join in my university are fishing club, photography society and dance club. Somewhat irony, right? I'm active but the clubs that I join are passive. Well, at least I won't get bored. Oh, one thing I will never get bored of, Manchester United.
7. I don't want to have kids.
But I can certainly play with them.
To be exact, I like to play with them but I do not like to take care of them. I like kids where age ranges from 2-7 years old. The period where I can play childishly with them. I can't imagine myself having kids in the future. They'll cry for reasons I don't understand. They'll need intensive care when I'm a very simply. They'll run and play around when I want them to behave. They'll be too quiet for my liking. In short, I like kids to play with but not to keep.
8. Tortoise and frogs are sent from hell.
As much as I love the nature, I think tortoise and frogs are animals sent from hell. They're evil! They scare the hell out of me. They're so green. So slimy. So disgusting! Few days ago, I encountered a frog in Shiau Ping's toilet and gosh, I shouted so loud I woke Guat Shan up. That frog is still lingering somewhere in the house but it's okay as long as I don't see it.
It took me pretty long to think of these 8 facts but there are lots more I want to share but I guess that's enough for now. Other bloggers, it's fun to keep this going and to let people know a little about yourself, so feel free to tag along.
Remember to catch the Olympics!
these facts were revealed long time ago...no new facts? =p
facts.. sure got one. some are secret. cannot let ppl know wan ma. so when the time comes and those facts are no longer secret, then i'll reveal XD
eh do also la
Do ar? ok lor. Not now la. will delay first la XD
ps: remember to be carefular
I hope you don't bring pondan back home.
Comment will be given muc muc later.
*continue watchin olympic*
Oi....eliza,don't ever let me see you with pondan worst if bring back I think I'll die STANDING. Mummy
haha...ur mum and dad are so funny...
rmbr 2 ask me along if u plan 2 bring any guy back..i am prepared !! hahahaha!!!!
mummy +daddy: just to give u all mental preparation just in case you have a pondan-ish son-in-law in the future. ahahahaha!!
xianfu : *stabs* *stabs* i love the olympics!! but i can't watch!! *Wails* btw, i like ur post on the prefect's buffet awards :D
gs : dun worry, i'll make sure u get to see it live
*elak* *Elak* *elak*
aiyo, eliza, u MISSED me again..
haih... xD
okay, proper comment.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. *MOUTH OPEN BIG*
Pondan? I prefer d term, ULTRA SENSITIVE la... hahaha xD
have u heard about da girl who kissed d ugly frog?
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