Friday, August 28, 2009

Accpeted by IMR!!

This afternoon, as I was preparing to boil soup for dinner, Prince (Diditoh) suddenly came out from his room and said, "You need to go industrial training lu~~"

I ran up to my room and opened my email account and scanned for an email from Mr. Kam, opened it and eagerly search for 6 particular words.




I'm accepted by IMR!! So, I'm supposed to register myself on October the 5th :D

Us in April 2009.

Together with me, Sian Siu, Keng Yean and Victor will be going to IMR for our training. Unfortunately for Jo, Prince and Yong Kang, they weren't accepted (by IMR but who knows they might get their second choice? ^^) but I guess we'll still be staying together in Sian Siu's apartment. Oh, KC might be staying together as well. We'll go for our training and they'll be workin part time somewhere there. It sounds fun, no? Lol. This will be another whole new experience for me.

I'm so excited!!

P/s : IMR stands for Institute for Medical Research.

P/s + P/s : Man. Utd. vs Arsenal tomorrow midnight at 12.15am!


draGOnIC88 said...

WA!!! CONGRATZZ YA!!!...My MIB(Malacca Biotech Institute) have to wait until Sept...sienzz...><

~eRiC~ said...

congrats ee-lee-za (han's pronunciation) XD
Sounds so fun lar you guys staying under a roof and work together....

Hoong Lyn said...

new-future-apartment-mates? ahaha

ice said...

hoho~~ nid to start working again XD

btw... why boom boom pow??? u havent tell leh~

gbsk said...

congrats!! i hope our plan is still on..muhahahha

eliza natsuko said...

sam : oh? u submitted late is it? how come will only receive the reply in sept?

eric : yes yes, ee-lee-za XD XD hmm.. dunno if all of us will be staying together or not yet la.. cuz not sure if the rest wanna work part time in KL ><

sito : dun worry, i wun pek tai u XD

sp : try recall la... at ktar there XD

gbsk : sure on! if i din get the job also i;ll on-kan the plan >D

fuzpeiz said... industrial training.
den work part time sumore..
ok..this is sumting i will be jealous of..
medical research sumore... :(
sumore with a bunch of nice is tat!!!!

Emel - LayChuyDing said...

hey...i just saw this..congrats girl :)