Went all the way to Medan Gopeng with Guat Shan and Diditoh to have lunch- McDonalds! When? During my 2 hours break between classes. Lol.
Kenji, Khai Chiah and Wei Chyi visited. Khai Chiah bought us Big Apple donnuts! Yummy~
My mom, kayah and sis gave me a really surprise visit while on their way to Thailand.
'Baked' 2 cheese cakes after my Properties of Matter test. The satisfaction is just so high. After that, I received an email saying there'll be a Pengajian Malaysia quiz the following week, a day after my lab test. Damn!
Celebrated Sian Siu's birthday with lots of sushi and 6 hours of singing. Lol. Happy Birthday Sian Siu! :D
My hair turned purple.
Who knows what's next? Lol.
n3xt will b3 goin ipoh again to9 =X
wanted to wait till tonite then compile together and post but.. takyah la~ XD
ahahaha..i like da pic u looked at the sushi plates!!!
u look sooo cute there..ahhahahhaa
wah, u can make cakes and chicken curry??may i try next time?hehehe..XD
tmr we copy PM ok...since we are allowed to discuss..i tarak mood to study dy...
fuzpeiz : lol. that was how much we ate! >D
eric : yea.. can bake and cook la but the taste not guaranteed la. lol. u wanna try? can can... get from diditoh la.. i gave him quite a lot. or next time i make again (after finals :D) and if u're still here i kongsi kongsi with u ^^ pm practically the whole class was copying today. lol XD
But u haven gicme oso.. zzz
wah, really ar?u are not goin back after finals meh?i am so hungry now, ur chicken curry pic keep popping in my mind now...XD
yea, pm quiz today is like..cool man..LOL...i jz like him for the first and the last time today...haha
gingercola : ceh! ask u come take u also dun wan.. so long edi still in my fridge... zzz... =.=
eric : after finals i'll be here for a while cuz our paper ends earlier and i'll have to wait for my housemate to go home together. so i'll have a week to do nonsense. lol. actually the curry not very nice la.. the rupa saje yg cantik XD and so pedas!! omg i dunno why i cook till so pedas =.= wakakaka.. yea lo the soon lii chyi yesterday was the nicest XD go add him in facebook la XD
If i was there then confirm I will finish the curry chicken tho..
kenji : pedas tho.. XD nvm nvm.. sure one day u get to try :D
How come your hair turn purple ??? !!!!
You know what I mean.
wow, you guys really havin fun! your hair turned purple? how come?
i wanna know next, so check out in Eliza's blog! xD
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