His real name is Kheng Zie but I renamed him. He's the one I always make fun. People always tease him with Ah Wei, saying stuff like he's trying to court Ah Wei and stuff. Good thing he's not the sensitive type. Well, I would say that he's a caring guy. He always try to help people out and his solutions are, I would say, applicable. For instance, maybe you have a problem with someone which is very difficult to solve. Normal people who advise you to, you know, talk to that person, apologize and stuff like that. But have you ask him, he'll tell you something more practical. Not so stereotype. He'll say things like, "Just let it be like it is now la. Just don't worsen the situation." When he give advices like that, it makes me think that he actually understand each people's situation. He understand that it's difficult to apologize when you're angry or when emotion took over you. He love philosophy and figuring people out. And the way he analyzes people sometimes freaks me out. It's just like he talk to you then the next thing you know is he knows what personality you have. He's taking Materials and Manufacturing Engineering but I think he suits Psychology well XD By the way, he recently created a blog. Have a look.
Khai Chiah
He's smart. He's nice. He loves Man. Utd. and he calls me 'Ah Pui'. I don't know why he calls me that but I don't really mind though. It's just like you know, teasing a small kid kind of tease. He's one of the top scorers in my stream with GPA never lower than 3.7 but you'll never find him talking about studies 24/7. When I first entered UTAR, I faced difficulties in communicating with people around me who speaks Mandrin or Cantonese. Khai Chiah was the first Chinese-speaking guy who spoke to me. His English wasn't that good but I really appreciate it. He knew he couldn't speak fluent English yet, he talks to me. This is where I got the motivation to brush up (or learn) to speak Mandrina and Cantonese. Most people would try to avoid talking to people who speaks English like me. My neighbour once told us (my housemates and I) that they wouldn't talk to us because we speak English. But Khai Chiah isn't that type of people. He don't believe that language is a barrier in communication. I like him for that. Plus, when there's football, we always watch it together. We're Man. Utd.'s died heart fan :D
Wei Chyi
When people mention this name, the first thing that comes to my mind is a smiley :D Yes indeed, he's a smiley. I've known him for almost a year and never once I've seen him without a smile. When when he's angry (or when I though he was angry), he curse in the manner you'll never thought he's cursing. He always talks logic into situations. For example, maybe someone did something nasty to him. He'll try to think of all possible reasons as to why that person did such thing to him. Maybe that's the reason why he don't 'boil' that often. He doesn't believe in ghost and he'll convince you that what you saw (if you saw something you though was a ghost), wasn't what you thought it was, which is another reason why I think he's so happy :) (because you know, when you're scared, you won't be happy). He's a genius in programming. Last sem, we had programming assignment and he was my hero. I still haven't treat him for that. Oh ya, he loves to jump into cameras. In short, Wei Chyi = Smiley :D
His real name is Yik Wai but it soon changed into Ken when Ah Wei said he looked like a HK actor whose name in a TVB series was Ken. Initially, he was against that name. He kept telling people that his name is Yik Wai not Ken but now, he introduce himself as Ken. And I think that name suits him best. I can't bring myself to call him Yik Wai. I just can't XD Anyway, he's another top scorer in my stream. One thing about him that I always sweatdrop about is that he'll suddenly jump into a conversation and say something that will make people sweat. Take this conversation as an example,
Me : You know ah, that day I went to the pasar right, I saw this man. He very weird la. He bought something for like RM 1 then he want to bargain some more. So cheap already then he go bargain another 10 cents.
Guat Shan : Madness! 10 cents also song ah?
Me : Yea la. People also want to untung right? Better ask that seller to give that man for free la.
Ken : *kept quiet all this while and suddenly jumps in* YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT!
Me and Guat Shan : ..........
Leon : Actually Ah Ken will just say that line every 10 minutes.
Me and Guat Shan : ................
There was also once we went Ipoh to get formal wear and through out the whole time, he kept saying "This is damn cheap!" everything is "Damn cheap" to him. He's also the gossip king. If you want to know any recent updates, ask him, and he'll tell you from A to Z.
Stylish. I love his style. It's like those rich kid kind of style. Just a simple t-shirt and a denim pants and he looks perfect. Not just style, I love his English as well. His English is just so English, if you get what I mean. He has the accent and all. If you're thinking he's just another wannabe who speaks in accent, no, you got it wrong. When he speaks in a normal conversation, his English is simply Malaysian. But when he goes for presentation, his English turned perfect. One of my lecturer even asked him to consider being an anchor man. I assume he loves languages. He learns Japanese from me and speaks Indonesian kind of Malay to Ken. Sometimes, he also speaks Bangladeshi type of Cantonese to Guat Shan. He once told me can speak like 6 languages (plus dialect) and he wants to learn Japanese to make it 7. Cool, isn't it? Anyway, he's from Penang which is why I think that he's rich. He loves shopping and the brand of clothes he wear are never unknown. And oh, I asked for his opinion when I once wanted to straighten my hair. In the end, after getting opinion from him (and others as well), I did not straighten my hair. Did I mention that he's really smart as well?
Cuo Teck
He watches anime, I watch anime. He watches football, I watch football. He loves Arsenal, I love Man. Utd. That's the reason why we always 'argue' about which team being better. When we converse, it always starts with, "Arsenal can ta pau already la." or "See la.. at the final battle which team is better." He enjoys calling me a 'Banana Girl' because I can't speak Mandrin well. He's like those small hyperactive kind of kid who speaks loudly. But he's nice though.
He calls me 'baby' because he thinks that my mental is only 2 years old. He's one hell of a guy. He cracks people up with his jokes. He has a wonderful voice and once won UTAR Talent Time with Leon. Together with Leon, they can topple the whole UTAR. He'll speak English then all of the sudden switch to Tamil like people understand him. Leon and Guat Shan said it's just like how I speak English then switch to Japanese like people understand me. Alright, back to William. He's just fun to be with. He'll make you laugh till you cry.

I guess when he leaves, we (my housemates and I) will feel the deepest lost. He was once our enemy (we even call him Mr. Horne, for God's sake) but now, he's our 'chi mui'. Everything changed so fast with him. We first met him during Ice Breaking and he was Mr. Horne then. We went fishing (because of Kenji) and the next thing we knew, he's already a part of us. Sito was shocked at that time because before he left for Klang, Leon was still Mr. Horne and when she returned 3 days later, we asked her of she wants to go fishing with Leon. Anyway, he's really nice to be with even though I do argue with him sometime. In my opinion, I think that he's really wise, though he might not look like it XD We're so close to the extend that we can just as him to shut up and laugh after that. He can just act girlish in front of us. We can just wake up, not bothered by our ghostly hair when he's around. He'll wear that orange shirt he'll never wear out, in front of us. Even though he's not our housemate, he eats, sleep, bathe, study, etc. in our house. Everything we do evolve around him. When we go out and he didn't follow, and it's lunch time, we'll think like, "What Leon gonna eat ah?" "Want to ta pau for him or not ah?" "How he going to eat ah?" "Who is fetching him?" I quote from Guat Shan, "Dunno what he put into our food until we kena jampi." and I quote myself, "Dunno what we did in the past life that we hutang him so much now."
All in all, I love my group of friends now and if I could, I would want them to stay in Kampar. I wouldn't want them to shift to Setapak. Everything will not be the same again after they leave. I won't have Kenji coming to my house and start tell me about Philosophy. I won't have Khai Chiah to call me "Pui" and watch football with. I won't have Wei Chyi to call me shorty and ask me to 'chiak sai'. I won't have Ken to send me dramas and stuff. I won't have Joe to ask me what certain word is in Japanese. I won't have Cuo Teck to tell me Arsenal is a better team. I won't have William to speak Tamil to me. And I won't have Leon to do crazy stuff then laugh our heads off. The most important thing, I won't have the chance to spend my time with them. I really really do not what them to leave. I don't want :'(
one more month...then we shall say good bye =)
"He'll wear that orange shirt he'll never wear out, in front of us."
I can't stop laughing after reading this sentence....and i can still remember why he won't wear the shirt out because he doesn't want to show his nipples...=)
*leon, pls don't get mad at me! =)
ahwei: not even a month. now alr week 5.. study still week 7 then one week study week where we wun meet and one study week.
sito: yep.. that orange shirt. XD
Must take study week and exam week into consideration as well because...we do more stuff during that period of time :p
so sad after reading ur blog *sob sob*... sure gonna miss them alot!!especially our beloved "husband" ...<3 them alot ;p
ah wei: we can do MORE madness stuff this sem la.. 3 subjects oni XD but that doesn't mean dunnit study also la..
gs: i'm 2nd wife ok? u tai poh! XD
LOL. mushy post leh tis wan.
easily can make ppl keep missin their old friends lah.
u guys still have time wit each other, so treasure it as i know u will.
don't be so upset, girl. things will be fine. as long as both your friends and you put in effort, the friendship will always remain. hugs. take good care and good luck for your final semester.
so touch =)..tat's wat we say friends come and matter how we once met,there'll be seperation next..we pursue own dreams and at that moment we're all far apart..sumhow,u guys will meet again~ many years to go!
u dont forget me also leh..altho im in kampar
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