The day before the presentation, which was yesterday, my housemates and I made some home-made sushi to be distributed to the audiences since my topic did touch a little on Japanese food and some were gave out to my fellow close friends.
Joe: You make wan ah? Nice.
Kenji: This is nice weh!
Khai Chiah: The rice isn't cook. (^^;)
We made makizushi with 2 different fillings which are crabstick and tamago (egg). We packed it and distributed during lecture. To my surprise, some of them ate on spot and even complemented the sushis. I was so pleased!!
There were 5 presenters before me and I made 2 appearances in 2 of the presenter's slide. Yay! One was Ah Jin's presentation where he put a picture of me with this 'falling-in-love-look' and the second one was Guat Shan's to describe a Gemini.
I guess all in all, I liked best was wearing my yukata during my presentation. One of the must for the presentation was to wear formal attire. So, I wore my yukata. It is formal after all, right? Being the first and only one wearing something like this to uni was somehow embarrassing and proud. Embarrass because there were tonnes of eyes staring at me and proud because I got to spread the influence of Japan. And there were lots of photo taken too!
I was the sixth person to present today and being the second last, I was initially worried that the lecturer and audiences would be bored or tired from the previous presentation. However, I received good comments from the lecturer and well, I guess it's a good thing.
ohayo gozaimas! if thats the spelling...You look so adorable in your pink yukata...=)
Why got one pic of you in yukata only? :D Put up more please! And did you get to tie the obi properly? ^^ Your kitsuke (way of wearing kimono/yukata) is very neat too! <3
- Onigiri
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