Saturday, November 24, 2007

Pot Luck!

We've actually planned this pot luck event a day after Halloween and here it is, a month after it was initially planned.

We, as in me, Ah Wei, and Sito started cooking at 5.50 p.m. Guat Shan started earlier since she needed longer time to boil her soup. Everything went smoothly over our side except that Kenny did not cook anything which was kind of like annoyance to me because it was agreed that everyone that wanted to attend should make something and he agreed to cook as well until the very last micro second he announced that he won't be cooking. Even Jun, who attended at the last minute at least made some drinks.

Toto-chan 'drooling' over my dish XD

Anyway, we went over to the Sarawakian's place at 7.50 p.m. When we reached there, they were still cooking. At first sight, I saw Alex and Robert cooking whereas Bernard and Michelle were in the kitchen as well helping out. After Alex done with his dish, Michelle proceeded to cook her spaghetti. There weren't enough utensils so we went over to the restaurant we visited on Halloween to borrow some utensils (and since the neighbourhood is still empty).

The Sarawakian Chefs.. except for the young lady.

Finally, at about 8 plus, we had our 10 course dinner! The food was first of all, too much and second of all, too delicious! I was really really impressed at Robert's cooking. Alex and Bernard wasn't that bad either.

Our ten course 5 star dinner.

This is the list of our 10-course dinner and its respective chefs:

Eliza - Kong Pow Chicken
Ah Wei - Sweet&Sour Meatball
Guat Shan - Golgi Body Soup
Sito - Mixed Veg
Robert - Mixed Egg, Black Pepper Fish, 'Shark Fin' Soup
Alex - Plain and Simple Chinese Cabbage
Bernard - Kong Pow Chicken Sarawak Style
Michelle - Spaghetti
Jun - Ribena Drink

After the food, we watch a movie brought by Jun entitled 'The Boss's Daughter'. It was funny but I didn't really get the message behind the movie. The cards, like always, soon follow. We played quite a number of rounds of 'cho tai tee' and finally call it a day at 12.30 a.m.

Cho Tai Tee players and their own advisers.

In short, I had a good time and I'm sure everyone else did. The food was delicious and the cards were entertaining. If there was a contest to determine the best cook, it would definately go to Robert. I quote Leon, "Robert should really try to open a restaurant. If he don't, he's damn stupid." It's a good thing that our friendship with the Sarawakians improved so much since the Halloween gathering and well, I hope there'll be more events like this in the future! ^_^


Anonymous said...

so efficient XD

Sheng said...

nice to meet you!
I am from Taiwan.

I feel your food that is delicious after I look your this article.

maybe we can be friends?!

eliza natsuko said...

Sheng : thanks! sure, let's be friends! ^_^

Sheng said...

This is my blog.
Althought blog is almost chinese,
but some is english.
Welcome to you!
If it is not good , I hope you can tell me.

eliza natsuko said...

it's a shame that i can't really read chinese. so it'll be difficult for me to actually understand what you wrote/ will be writing. but i can always understand the english part though ^_^